Acupuncture for Long Covid - Case 2

February 8, 2021
49-year-old Andrea caught Covid-19 in March. She had a history of asthma for many years. When Covid hit her, the symptoms  were mainly in her respiratory system. She had bad cough with phlegm, short breath with wheezing, high temperature and extreme fatigue. The symptoms stabilized after a month's treatment of antibiotics and steroid. But six months on, the lung  infection and fatigue were still stopping her from living a normal life. At the time when she came to see me, she was  coughing and bring up yellow phlegm. She had short breath and wheezing after physical activity. She had bad sleep, brain fog  and poor concentration. She said her energy level was about 30% of normal. I applied acupuncture and cupping treatment. When  she came back the following week, she was very excited and said her energy level had risen to 50-55%. She kept having weekly  treatment and after every session she had some improvement. Her brain fog was gone. She could concentrate and started working again. After ten sessions, her energy level was 90-95% of normal and she started jogging. Now Andrea is feeling totally normal and back to cycling and horse riding.   

Acupuncture for Long Covid - Case 1

November 20, 2020

Chris, a 33-year-old strong-built man, caught Covid-19 in April 2020. He had fever for a week followed by a pain in his right calf and heel, which then came on in his other leg and spread to the whole body accompanied by joint stiffness. He  lost his energy and couldn't work until a few months later when the symptoms eased. Six months on, his calves were still hurting and affecting his walking, so he came to see me. On examination, his legs were slightly swollen and his calves and right heel ...

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Commonly used treatments for chronic pain can do more harm than good and should not be used, says NICE in draft guidance

August 11, 2020
Acupuncture is recommended as an option for some people with chronic primary pain, provided it is delivered within certain, clearly defined parameters.

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Clinics Reopen

June 11, 2020
Dear clients,

Both of our clinics in Penrith and Workington are now open. To manage the transmission risk of Covid-19, we are only arranging appointments over the phone at this stage. On the call we will do a risk assessment for Covid-19, and between each appointment we will carry out proper cleaning for treatment rooms and facilities. We will be using face coverings during treatment. Appointments will be spaced out to avoid contact between patients.

When you arrive for your appointment please...
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Acupuncture for Trigeminal Neuralgia - Case 2

February 27, 2020

Jean, 80-year-old farmer's wife, suddenly started getting a terrible pain on the right side of her face. She had unpredictable attacks of intense, electric shock-like pain, which would last from a few seconds to a few minutes. Sometimes a light touch on the right side of her nose could trigger the pain. Her doctor believed it was trigeminal neuralgia, which could be related with her long standing condition of multiple sclerosis (MS). In MS, trigeminal neuralgia is most often caused by damage ...

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Clinical Evidence for Association of Acupuncture and Acupressure With Improved Cancer Pain - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

December 21, 2019


Importance  Research into acupuncture and acupressure and their application for cancer pain has been growing, but the findings have been inconsistent.

Objective  To evaluate the existing randomized clinical trials (RCTs) for evidence of the association of acupuncture and acupressure with reduction in cancer pain.

Data Sources  Three English-language databases (PubMed, Embase, and CINAHL) and 4 Chinese-language biomedical d...

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